
MCA Company Search | Check Company Name | Company Name Search Online

MCA company search is the free company search tool, with this MCA search you can check company name, and company directors details MCA website contain all the data of a Company. Anybody can be performed this check by MCA name check. This MCA name check data is available free of cost at ministry of corporate affairs database or MCA website.

Company Name Search Online can be performed for both in new and old company as well, once a new company or business registered then it get addedin MCA data base and will come in MCA company searching if some one perform on tools like MCA check company name.

In simple words, it is a search that could be performed via a company name search or simple name to verify whether particular name is registered in the government MCA database or not if not then you can register your business with this name. This protects you from legal actions also. Because if the business is already registered then your application for the same name will get rejected and the government framework also suggests that your business name must be considered before registering. You can do this search with the free tool available to check company name availability in the government database.

How to Check Company Name Availability in India?

Company name availability can be checked in India through the MCA company search tool available online and also via the Masters India company search tool. This MCA name check is free of cost and available at the Masters India website to check the company name. To do a Free Company Search just follow the below steps.

  • Step 1: Enter the name or company name.
  • Step 2: Once you enter the name hit the search button our tool will search for information or details as per the company name in the MCA portal.
  • Step 3: Once the search in the MCA database will complete then it will show if the name is present if not then also.
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There use case of this tool could be multiple lets understand them

  1. To get or verify the information of a particular company or business - when you start doing business with other businesses or with small businesses, you require certain information about them in hand to minimize the fraud, to cross verify the information mentioned in the docs or shared by the company, because trust factor plays a role, here MCA company search will work and give you the business information once you check with a company name search or CIN Number.
  2. To check company name availability - When you think about starting s business in India, the first step is you think about the business name, and it is important that whatever business name you thought you first verify whether it is registered by someone or not. This will save you from legal things.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I verify a company details?

You can verify company details by searching on Free Company Search tools like MCA company search.

How do I find the owner of a company name?

Company Name Search Online will give you the owner details once you hit the search button by typing the company name in MCA search. This will give you owner as well as company directors details MCA also.

How can I find a company CIN?

You can type the CIN Number into our MCA check company name tool or Company Name Check tool hit the search button tool will show you the CIN number in response.

How can I find pan by company name?

To know the PAN number, you need two details about the company. Full name of the company and the date of birth, and in the case of the company, you may refer to the MCA master data to know the date of birth of the company then visit and add the two information you will get the pan number

How Can I Check Company Details in MCA?

You can check company details in MCA Company Search -

  • Step 1: Enter the company name or CIN Number.
  • Step 2: Once you hit the search button our tool will search for info as per the company name or CIN number in the MCA portal.
  • Step 3: Once the search is done in the MCA database then it will show you the results as mentioned below.

How do you check if a company is registered in India?

MCA company search will help you verify weather the company is registered in India or not.

What is MCA registered company?

MCA registered company means your company name is registered at the ministry of corporate affairs you can check it by visiting the MCA website, In MCA database is free and available to search company name database through which both the old company name and new company name could be done.

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